Estyn November 2024

We were visited by an Estyn Inspection team in November 2024. We are very proud to say that they found...

  • Standards of behaviour are excellent.
  • Staff establish positive nurturing relationships with pupils.
  • Staff, including support staff, are highly skilled in questioning.
  • Pupils have regular opportunities to use their Welsh language. In addition, they learn about their Welsh heritage and culture.
  • The work to improve reading exemplifies leaders' capacity to bring about change through strategic planning.
  • Teachers draw on local expertise to enhance pupils' learning.
  • There are many valuable opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles that influence the life and work of the school.
  • Parents hold the school's work in high regards and are very pleased with the school's role in nurturing and educating their children.
  • Pupils enjoy school and their rates of attendance are good.

In addition, we were 'spotlighted'. This is a new part of the inspection process where inspectors identify interesting or innovative practice in a setting. Our 'spotlight' stated:

'Using assessment to support learning, especially of pupils' literacy and numeracy skills which is highly effective. Personalised next steps and to support children of all abilities to make progress in the development and application of literacy and numeracy skills.'

To view the full report, please visit:

Eco-SchoolsCyngor Sir Ddinbych Denbighshire County CouncilCymraeg CampusCaBan BangorYmwybyddiaeth am Awtistiaeth Autism Aware
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